
Showing posts from October, 2017

Q2 Week 2 comments

Dylan- human nature Logan- As you get older what have you found success in?

What is your life goal? How do you plan to achieve it?

          There are many jobs that are there to desire. Some people desire the jobs that make the most money. Others yearn for a job that requires little effort. There are an infinite amount of thing to desire in the world. These huge life goals hive smaller milestones.           My huge life goal is to become a pilot in the Navy. It helps to become a pilot in the by attending the Naval academy. In order to get in the Naval academy, I need good grades. The list goes on forever. The basic steps are to try hard in school and get good grades. You need to play a sport every semester. You also need to have some leadership experience. While I do not desire lots of money or loads of work, I do still have an ambitious goal. 

Human nature

          Human nature can differ based on your background and the circumstance. For example, someone who grew up in a tough environment will probably not be nice. If a person grows up in a warm welcoming environment, then they will probably be nice. What a person might do if life is being their life is being threatened, might be unimaginable under normal circumstances. This leaves me to believe that people can be any emotion by nature. Humans are programmed to put themselves first. This means that people by nature are selfish.           People in movies are characters, but the person that always does the selfish thing is the bad guy. While this might be true, humans are programmed make sure that they survive over other people, no matter the cost. Monkeys are the closest animals related to humans. Monkeys and their babies were put in a room. The floor was warmed, and the monkeys put their babies on the floor and stood on them. This...

Week 9 comments

Brownywn- Response to "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings Addi- Sign Langauge

Free Post

          There lots of people in China. China has the largest population in the world. They have around one billion-three hundred million people. Imagine what that many people can do. Imagine what it takes to feed and fuel a country of that size. It makes me think, what kind of war machine can be produced by a country of that size?           The resources needed to feed a beast like that is unimaginable. What is the point of having a population that big? Why would a country want to not have enough provisions to go around? I know China is trying to decrease its population but still. What is the purpose? The only thing I can think of is men for a military. If a war did happen, what could China do? 

Hitler's Last Days

          Hitler's Last Day's by Bill O'Reilly is the book that I am currently reading. There are a few people in history that stand out, sometimes for the wrong reasons. Adolf Hitler is no doubt one of them. Hitler's actions stun people today. Hitler caused more hurt than any one person can comprehend.           Hitler set the world on a totally different path, to pursue his own interests. Hitler wanted to recreate the first Reich and further it. Hitler sent millions of people to their death because of racial and ethnic preference. Hitler enslaved and abused his conquered people. Hitler had no mercy anywhere in his life. "I do not see why man should not be as cruel as nature." Hitler said.  He was able to achieve this by turning a nation through propaganda. "If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed." Hitler no doubt was a man of pain and sadness. 

week 8 comments

Emma P.- A Flash Story Cade- FIction Flash Story

Harrison Bergeron

There are a lot of interesting questions brought up in Harrison Bergeron. Let us start with the simple. What are the handicaps? Why do the handicaps exist? What prevents the people from thinking? Who is the Empress? How hold is Harrison Bergeron? These are all questions answered directly in the text. Now we review the intermediate questions. How is Hazel average intelligence? Why would people handicap to themselves? What is the relationship between Harrison and Hazel and George? These are questions answered through analysis or inferring. Now we look at the deepest questions. Do we want true equality? Is true equality even possible? These are questions that the story makes us asks about the world. 

Short Story

          "Psst. Pssssst. Pssssssssst. Look out in the field." There is a huge buck eating grass in the field. The boy's Dad turns to him with an astonished face.            "That is the biggest deer I have ever seen in my life. He whispers loudly. "It is getting dark; we may not have a shot. We must hurry. The boy picks up the black 2-70. His Dad begins to focus the binoculars.              The boy tells his Dad "I am shaking so bad." The boy quietly pulls back the bolt, to load a bullet into the chamber. The Dad finds his focus and begins to count points.              "Son, it is too dark to see all the point, but it can't be less than 12 points. It is a monster buck." The boy is shaking so bad, it looks like a seizure. He is trying desperately trying to find his mark.              The boy nervously pushes in the ...