Scarlet continued

Scarlet's father turned up at her house wearing a transmitter to the people who captured him. Wolf destroys it and provides the name of the gang. "The Order of the Pack" is the name of the gang. Wolf informs Scarlet that he was once a part of the gang. She get really mad and pulls the gun on him again. Wolf being Wolf tells her all he knows without any resistance. They end up on a train to Paris where the gang is located. The plague breaks out and the train turns into a quarantine. They escape from the train before coming to a stop.

Cinder is on a ship with a "captain" of the American republic. Thorne the "captain" is not a very bright person. He does not like to think ahead of the current situation. He uses lots of water on a shower(they have limited water). Cinder is therefore to work and think much harder than if she had a partner with half a brain. Queen Leveena demands Cinder back within 3 days. If she dosen't have her by then, then she will declare war against earth.


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