Hitler's Last Days

          Hitler's Last Day's by Bill O'Reilly is the book that I am currently reading. There are a few people in history that stand out, sometimes for the wrong reasons. Adolf Hitler is no doubt one of them. Hitler's actions stun people today. Hitler caused more hurt than any one person can comprehend.

          Hitler set the world on a totally different path, to pursue his own interests. Hitler wanted to recreate the first Reich and further it. Hitler sent millions of people to their death because of racial and ethnic preference. Hitler enslaved and abused his conquered people. Hitler had no mercy anywhere in his life. "I do not see why man should not be as cruel as nature." Hitler said.  He was able to achieve this by turning a nation through propaganda. "If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed." Hitler no doubt was a man of pain and sadness. 


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