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Jetpack Joyride used to be one of my favorite games. Jetpack Joyride is a game where you play as a character that stills a jet pack from a science facility. The point of the game is to get as far in distance as you can. The game only has one control, which includes only tapping the screen to give power to the jet pack. There are also special vehicles in which a each has a special power. This game was one of the first games I ever played, and I recently downloaded again. This has brought back nostalgia.

Jetpack Joyride brings back memories of times that were less stressful. This game while it is a fun game, I like because it brings back memories of good friends in which I haven't talked to in years. These friends that played Jetpack Joyride as well. Jetpack Joyride has also brought a sense of no worries in the world, which was the case when I first played. This game has overall brought my mood up and made me happy to be alive.


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  2. Jetpack Joyride is such a fun game. I like how you talked about how this game has a significant meaning to you. Keep playing because it makes you happy ! Profound post !

  3. I love this game! I used to play as a little kid and I feel like playing it now that I read about it! Great post :))))

  4. Jetpack Joyride is one of the greatest games ever. Im glad you like it as much as I do.

  5. This game was the coolest game ever in third grade. Thanks to your post I will be re-downloading it soon.

  6. I like how enthusiastic you are about this game. It sounds like this game improves your day to day life and it is important that people have a stress relieving activity and I am glad you find yours, Good job.

  7. I'm glad you used your free post to tell about something you enjoyed as a kid. I also loved playing that game and i enjoyed reading this post.


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