Response to PB

A lot of things just happened in Purple Hibiscus. I can not believe some of the stuff that happened in this reading. The thing that I fin the most surprising is Father Amadi falling in love with Kambali. This surprises me the most because Father Amadi is a Catholic priest, where priests are not allowed to get married. This does not mean that they will get married, but how inmate the relationship gets is absurd to me. The other aspect of the relationship is the age difference. Although Father Amadi's age is not given, he is considerably older than Kambali.

The other most surprising section from this book is Kambali getting beat to near death.  Although Eugene is abusive, he still shows sign of love and care toward his family. This is why the level of damage done to Kambali surprises me. I could never imagine kicking someone I love over and over again, over the painting of a dead relative. This shows to me just how crazy Eugene is. I have not even talked about Eugene boiling his children's feet.


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