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          There lots of people in China. China has the largest population in the world. They have around one billion-three hundred million people. Imagine what that many people can do. Imagine what it takes to feed and fuel a country of that size. It makes me think, what kind of war machine can be produced by a country of that size?
          The resources needed to feed a beast like that is unimaginable. What is the point of having a population that big? Why would a country want to not have enough provisions to go around? I know China is trying to decrease its population but still. What is the purpose? The only thing I can think of is men for a military. If a war did happen, what could China do? 


  1. This post brings up a lot of interesting questions. I hope you answer the questions in the future.

  2. I've never really thought about this, and it is a very interesting topic.

  3. Very interesting topic. I have never really thought of this until you brought it up.

  4. Wow fox, I never about China in such a different way like this. Great post!


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