What is your life goal? How do you plan to achieve it?

          There are many jobs that are there to desire. Some people desire the jobs that make the most money. Others yearn for a job that requires little effort. There are an infinite amount of thing to desire in the world. These huge life goals hive smaller milestones.
          My huge life goal is to become a pilot in the Navy. It helps to become a pilot in the by attending the Naval academy. In order to get in the Naval academy, I need good grades. The list goes on forever. The basic steps are to try hard in school and get good grades. You need to play a sport every semester. You also need to have some leadership experience. While I do not desire lots of money or loads of work, I do still have an ambitious goal. 


  1. I think it is really cool that you want to be in the Navy. My best luck to you in following that dream.

  2. That is really impressive that you have already a life goal.

  3. I think this is a very good life goal and a very interesting one. Why do you want to do this, was someone in your family a pilot in the Navy.


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