
I am doing my research topic on the German blitzkrieg from World War II. My favorite part of this story is the origin story. I like how after the lose of the Great War, the Germans have rebounded with an almost unstoppable force. The Germans avoiding the trenches that caused so much pain in WW I, invade almost all of Europe initially successful. See what happens next week on European history! This just sounds like a reality TV show.

The Germans had such a brilliant strategy that astonishes me today and shocked the world when it happened. The Germans would use armored divisions to punch pockets in enemy lines. The armored divisions would shoot through them, exposing the flanks of the enemies. Then they would to continue to encircle the enemy forces, draining their supplies. The Germans would then pounce on the pocket wiping out the enemy forces. 


  1. I love how interested you are in studying World War II. I can really tell you put a lot of thought and energy in studying the Germans !

  2. I like how you are enthusiastic about your topic. Good Job.

  3. This a very interesting topic and I can tell you care a lot about it. That should make for a good research project.

  4. The success of Germany in WWII is extremely thought provoking. My research paper also regards different strategies used during WWII, so I wish good luck to you.


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