What have I learned in my teens?

Many things have happened to me as a teenager. The most memorable of them is being informed that the earth is flat by Josh Wilson. There have been some real life lessons that I have learned as, do not ever talk politics in public, especially with your friends. Talking about politics is really easy way to ruin relationships with people you dearly care about. I have had quite a few friends that I do not talk too much because of politics. This is a lesson, I know, many people will never learn. 

The other biggest thing I have learned as a teenager, is how awesome America and its history is. When I read American history, I can not help but feel so patriotic and respect those who have sacrificed to get America to where it is. This is something I learned while researching various topics in school. All the history classes end up talking about America in some way, shape, or form. This is my favorite thing I have learned at school and as a teenager.  


  1. I too find it fascinating how the government has tricked us all into thinking the Earth is round. My father has explained to me many times politics and public do not mix well and I have found that to be very true.

  2. I agree with your statements about the Round Earth Conspiracy that modern society has imposed on us. I also heavily agree with your feelings about the American identity and patriotism. Above all, we should all be Americans. Amen.

  3. I like that you are extremely passionate about being an American and I feel the exact same way. I like that you focused in and how politics can ruin relationships and quickly create tension. Great Job.


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