Dear 9 year old self

I know that you really nervous about going to a new school. I know you are worried about the obvious stuff, like friends. Do not be worried. All those things will work itself out. The kids at Episcopal are really nice. There are other things that require more attention. Make sure that you get good grades. It can come back to bite you in your butt.

There are more important things to focus that you don't even know that exist yet. Cross Country will provide friends and good life experiences. In the summer in between Cross Country seasons practice. Run much more. Just because you are good at it to start; it does not mean that things will stay that way. You must constantly work to get better.

                                                                                                             a 13 year old


  1. The phrase, "It can come back to bite you in your butt." made me laugh haha. Constantly working is such a great idea to end on and is such great advice for people. I think some people expect to work hard and maintain the skill and not really work to improve, kinda like you said. Although, working constantly is such a great idea!!


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