
       Michael started off with "Hello." Laughing as he said it.

  I responded coldly "You dare laugh?" Everyone got quiet. Something big was about to happen, something bigger then ever before.

Michael did not look happy, anymore, not at all. He yelled "FIGHT ME, NOW!" His friends began to look uneasy.

"I am here for what I deserve." He knew that I wanted it. I had been trying to get it back for 3 months. I cracked my knuckles very loudly.

He responded "I don't want no blood spilled tonight." Everyone knew it wasn't true. My gang backed me up by beginning to growl, like dogs.

Then I heard sirens. Everyone began to run. Someone had given us up. I yelled before we were gone "This ain't over."


  1. I like how you used vivid detail in this post.

  2. I really like this post. It is interesting and hooks the reader in. The vivid detail is really good, too.


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