Short Story

          "Psst. Pssssst. Pssssssssst. Look out in the field." There is a huge buck eating grass in the field. The boy's Dad turns to him with an astonished face.
           "That is the biggest deer I have ever seen in my life. He whispers loudly. "It is getting dark; we may not have a shot. We must hurry. The boy picks up the black 2-70. His Dad begins to focus the binoculars.
             The boy tells his Dad "I am shaking so bad." The boy quietly pulls back the bolt, to load a bullet into the chamber. The Dad finds his focus and begins to count points.
             "Son, it is too dark to see all the point, but it can't be less than 12 points. It is a monster buck." The boy is shaking so bad, it looks like a seizure. He is trying desperately trying to find his mark.
             The boy nervously pushes in the safety button to fire. The boys struggles to see through the darkness. He finds where he thinks is the right spot. He puts flame to the powder, with a loud boom.


  1. This story has very great imagery it made me feel like I was sitting with the dad and his son. I do feel like this story moved fast even for a 100 word story.


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