Semester Reflection

A few things I learned in the fall semester are: 9th grade means you can't do all your homework at school, , procrastinating is not doable, enjoy the free time acquired. In all of middle school, I did all of my homework at school, and I tried that for a while in the fall. This does not work. I also procrastinated in order to get everything done at school. In the fall, I did not get much free time between school and sports. I need to maximize the personal tasks done.

A few goals I have for this semester are to continue to get all As and Bs, finish wrestling strong, pr in the 3200m in track, and do not get in trouble. The number one goal is to get all As and Bs. This a goal, because I wish to get  on the division head's list. I want finish wrestling with a few wins and getting my leather man's jacket. I want to pr in track, because I did poorly during cross country. I wish not to get in trouble for obvious reasons.


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