Purple Hibiscus

Purple Hibiscus by Chiamanda Ngozi Adichie is a book that brings up the issue of what a post- colonial world looks like in Nigeria. Purple Hibiscus makes me wonder what life is really like in Nigeria. It makes me think about if anything in stereo type is true, if this story does reflect Nigeria. Purple Hibiscus also indicates physical abuse is not uncommon in tradition for abuse to occur. The events that happen involving Papa surprised me.

  Adichie entails about how pressured the upper class kids to do well. Purple Hibiscus also tells the story of the corruption in Nigeria. The corruption in Nigeria creates an image that Nigeria is a place that no one to live in. The amount of coups and forcefulness makes Nigeria look like a place where order is not existent. Purple Hibiscus makes me question a lot I knew about Nigeria, while also supporting the stereotypes.


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