Strength and Weakness

I think that one strength I have as a writer is being able to adjust to fit my rhetorical situation. I think I have done well to adjust my writing style to fit the assignment. I think that I am also able to write well when I am interested in the topic in which I am writing. Another strength to my writing is being able to fill out requirements such as length as the paper. My final strength is being able to write an organized fashion.

I have many weakness as a writer. A major problem for me as a writer is not being very good at grammar. I feel even if I run every thing through grammarly it will still be wrong. I am not very good at identifying meter. I am not very good at incorporating writing techniques into my poetry. My writing I have many more negative writing traits then positive. I do feel however, that my writing has improved and will continue to prove throughout high school.


  1. I understand where you are coming from. I struggle with grammar as well and poetry has never been one of my strong points. Its funny, I am not the best with poetry but I love Shakespeare.

  2. I feel the same way about my strengths and weaknesses.This blog post was very relatable and helpful.


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