Youtube's added security

I will be writing this post about the irony in YouTube's decision to add security at their headquarters. I got this information from deadline and it is is reliable because it includes the letter that YouTube has released to the public. The point the author makes is that YouTube is adding security and really just pointing it out. The article does not throw out in opinions, therefore there is nothing really to agree with. In response to the shooting last week, YouTube has decided to add security to their headquarters in order to protect their employees. YouTube has recently also been blocking videos of pro gun and Conservative views on their media.

The irony here is that YouTube does not allow Conservative content on their site; even though they just added security  to protect their employees. The conservatives have been supporting the second amendment and more security at schools. The liberals have been arguing that security and the second amendment will only increase violence. YouTube even though backing left wingers, have made a massive right wing decision. I chose this article, because I felt that this was a good opportunity to point out really big companies not making much sense. 


  1. I really like the way you focused on mainly the letter YouTube released to the public and not the the opinionated parts of the article. I agree YouTube has contradicted itself but it may have done this in an attempt to be called neutral by supporting both sides.


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