Killing Patton

Killing Patton by Bill O'Reily is one of my summer reading books. I enjoyed reading this book very much. It showed me much of how the world works today. It showed how awesome of a person George S. Patton was. This book told me that politics can screw up every aspect of everything. Patton was a great 4 star general. He had less casualties more results and was much more effective. Killing Patton told me what is wrong with the world. This book showed me how corrupt governments, politics, and soldiers don't mix.

Killing Patton made me feel glad that I am not high up in the world. If something bad happens everything would be my fault. If something good happened then it would be everybody but the person who did its fault. When I say this I don't dislike governments. All I mean by this is that people who are selfish are the ones who don't do anything. The one who should get credit are too humble to claim it. I don't want to be involved in any sort of anything that clears the of the good for the bad to come through. I do like the government and everything they do. Corruption is very east when there are so many people that prioritize themselves over the people they represent.  


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