
Showing posts from March, 2018

Purple Hibiscus

Purple Hibiscus by Chiamanda Ngozi Adichie is a book that brings up the issue of what a post- colonial world looks like in Nigeria. Purple Hibiscus makes me wonder what life is really like in Nigeria. It makes me think about if anything in stereo type is true, if this story does reflect Nigeria. Purple Hibiscus also indicates physical abuse is not uncommon in tradition for abuse to occur. The events that happen involving Papa surprised me.   Adichie entails about how pressured the upper class kids to do well. Purple Hibiscus also tells the story of the corruption in Nigeria. The corruption in Nigeria creates an image that Nigeria is a place that no one to live in. The amount of coups and forcefulness makes Nigeria look like a place where order is not existent. Purple Hibiscus makes me question a lot I knew about Nigeria, while also supporting the stereotypes.


Track There was a time in when I could have been free from a time of pain The track is a tricky time that reminded me of a lime. The track took me by force and battered my experience. The track was known everywhere to be unbeatable. The track slapped everyday by your feet that sore. The track does not give in to your beating beaten feet. consonance,  personification, and enjambment

Free Post

Jetpack Joyride used to be one of my favorite games. Jetpack Joyride is a game where you play as a character that stills a jet pack from a science facility. The point of the game is to get as far in distance as you can. The game only has one control, which includes only tapping the screen to give power to the jet pack. There are also special vehicles in which a each has a special power. This game was one of the first games I ever played, and I recently downloaded again. This has brought back nostalgia. Jetpack Joyride brings back memories of times that were less stressful. This game while it is a fun game, I like because it brings back memories of good friends in which I haven't talked to in years. These friends that played Jetpack Joyride as well. Jetpack Joyride has also brought a sense of no worries in the world, which was the case when I first played. This game has overall brought my mood up and made me happy to be alive.

Launch Day

My favorite launch day presentation was Graham Fraizer's thesis on the stock market going digital, and how programs are changing the world. I thought it was interesting that there is a program that can analyze tweets and but stock depending on what the analysis said. I had no idea such a program was a possibility. I agree with Graham on the fact that the world is drifting towards a world of robots running the world and making the decisions. I believe that Graham's presentation has opened an eye onto a world changing in favor of  technology that is taking up jobs and doing them better than ever before. Graham's thesis I thought was interesting also when he talked about the stock market do to tweets. I did not know that the stock market changed so drastically due to a few speculations. I did not know speculations and tweets could change life so much.