
Showing posts from January, 2018


I am doing my research topic on the German blitzkrieg from World War II. My favorite part of this story is the origin story. I like how after the lose of the Great War, the Germans have rebounded with an almost unstoppable force. The Germans avoiding the trenches that caused so much pain in WW I, invade almost all of Europe initially successful. See what happens next week on European history! This just sounds like a reality TV show. The Germans had such a brilliant strategy that astonishes me today and shocked the world when it happened. The Germans would use armored divisions to punch pockets in enemy lines. The armored divisions would shoot through them, exposing the flanks of the enemies. Then they would to continue to encircle the enemy forces, draining their supplies. The Germans would then pounce on the pocket wiping out the enemy forces. 

Reading Response

I have already finished  Absolutely true story of a part time Indian . I think that this implies that I enjoyed the book. I have to say; I enjoyed it overall, nothing in particular.  I do know that I do not really like the traditional story plot. I think that this book is meant to show what it is like to be socially awkward. This is done through Junior. Junior is a very interesting character. I like how he has a friend that is big and tough. I like that Junior is so poetic and enjoys writing stories. He is an overall awesome person, with great attributes. This book shows that even if you are good at lots of things; does not mean that you are free from bulling. On the other hand, this may not happen everywhere because of the "Indian Spirit." This could also just make this a book about Indian nature. 

Blog comments

Emma P.- Snow Day Cason- Different Oreo Flavors

blog comments (late)

Cade- Research Project Logan- Free Post 

Free Post

        I recently read an article about a person's dream. This person slept for 15 hours, after a trip. In this dream, the person lived 17 years from the time he woke up. Whenever he actually woke up, he was extremely confused, because in his dream he had grown up and gotten a job. He lived 17 years in 15 hours.        The fact that someone lived 17 years in 15 hours is insane. This brings up tons of questions about the human mind. Why would the mind put someone through 17 years, in one night. What is the brain getting out of a 17 year dream, in one life. The human brain does complicated things; that we do not know the cause of. This is just one example that blows my mind.

Research update

      My research paper has been going very good, so far. My favorite part of this project is asking around what everyone's topic is. My personal research has hard to find sources to support an argument that I like. The project is enjoyable though, because you get to pick something your interested in. I have learned a lot of stuff about my topic and the topics related to it. I have not like having to annotate the sources or write note cards.        The fact that we can research anything in history is awesome. I love that we have unlimited research topics to chose from. This kind of project is different from any research project I have done before. I can not wait to get to interact with other projects! This project is going to allow everyone to learn something new from all kinds of eras and places. I have overall enjoyed this project, so far.

Semester Reflection

A few things I learned in the fall semester are: 9th grade means you can't do all your homework at school, , procrastinating is not doable, enjoy the free time acquired. In all of middle school, I did all of my homework at school, and I tried that for a while in the fall. This does not work. I also procrastinated in order to get everything done at school. In the fall, I did not get much free time between school and sports. I need to maximize the personal tasks done. A few goals I have for this semester are to continue to get all As and Bs, finish wrestling strong, pr in the 3200m in track, and do not get in trouble. The number one goal is to get all As and Bs. This a goal, because I wish to get  on the division head's list. I want finish wrestling with a few wins and getting my leather man's jacket. I want to pr in track, because I did poorly during cross country. I wish not to get in trouble for obvious reasons.

What would you do if you ruled a deserted island? Katie

         If I ruled an island, I would establish myself as the leader. The second thing I would do is establish an armory. In this armory would be weapons capable of defending my island and keep a solid food source through hunting. This would keep my people safe and healthy. The second thing I would do would be to create shelters to live in. These shelters would keep my people safe from the weather. These things would make my people happy.          Once I make my people happy, I would continue to give myself power. The fact that  my decisions met the needs of the people; people are content with my ruling and wouldn't mind if I got more power. I would soak up as much power as possible, making myself king. I would then establish a navy and a army. I would set sail with my army and navy to conquer other lands.